Thursday, February 24, 2005

The one about my profile

Just for laughs, I clicked on the 'my profiles' link on the right today. (---->) See that?
To my surprise, I realised that I had about 777 views for my website. I do not know how they calculate it, because it might be 777 in this month, or 777 since I started having a profile page (which I figure is about 3 months ago).

But seriously, I didn't know so many people clicked on it.
Ok, so maybe 'many' is relative... I'm sure others got so many profile clicks, blogger gave up on counting them.
But 'many' in this sense meant that I had expected to have say 100 views.

Oh well.

Had a fruitful Wed and Thurs. Wednesday I went to choose clothes. Not buy, choose. I used to say 'What's the point of looking/choosing if you can't buy it?!'... seriously. I love to buy clothes. You should look at my closet, and my bank account for that matter. But this time it's for a photoshot, so I could only choose clothes for the models to wear. And I love choosing guy clothes anyway.

Then I went to meet Weiyuan for lunch at Taka. Had lunch at pasta place then at coffee bean. Actually it was a little weird la... I don't know. He kept talking about his gay friends. Hah.

Thursday I went for APB meeting. Actually I'm kind of glad that I'm in this group, cause they are really good. (I was initially upset for something that happened that had nothing to do with them) I think we'd churn out a pretty kick ass report. Heh.

Then met Caleb and Daniel with the mentoring kids to go play LaserQuest! Hahaha... remember Laserquest? It used to be so popular. I remember going after school to play LQ with my friends. Heck, my brother had his 12th birthday celebration. LQ was hip, I tell you. Today it's not that popular, but still fun nonetheless. (In the sense that, no, I did not play. But it was fun watching them play. Hah)

Recently, someone (Y) has been really getting on my nerves. Honestly. I wonder how much more I can take. (No, it's not any of you whom I know has read/are reading this blog)


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