Monday, February 17, 2003

Hah! I am a celebrity

Funny isn’t it? How seemingly shitty event could turn out to be so much more. In one of my earlier posts, I mentioned how I screwed up my host the charity event thingy? To introduce the special guests? Well. Something amusing happened today.

I was as office filing some stuff when the phone rang, so I picked it up. It was this guy from Mandarin Hotel, and was looking for my boss. Ok…so I told him that she wasn’t in, using my ‘proper telephone etiquette’ (ie, speak slowly, according to my boss). So was telling him she wasn’t in, may I take a message or would you want to call her cell. Nearing the end of our conversation, he was like,

Him ‘You are?’
Me ‘Christine Chew’
Him ‘You were at the exhibition as well right?’
Me ‘Urm… yes.’ (I was surprised. I certainly didn’t go around announcing my name)
Him ‘Oh, you were the one who introduced Ven. Shi and the Chinese Ambassador right?’
Me ‘Correct, that’s me’
Him ‘Yes, I thought it sounded like you’

Now, I’m surprised because, (1) that happened one whole week ago. (2) the total air time I had amounted less than 2 minutes.

Well. Not bad huh. Maybe should consider something in DJing. Hah.


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