Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I can't wait for this to be over but I can wait for it to come

So apt huh? Haha... This was what Kailee told me couple of days ago regarding the exams. I just want to let people know how screwed up my revision is.


I've just thought about it... you know my depression about how I've chosen the wrong faculty and how I should just zip over to Arts Literature or Mass Communications IMMEDIATELY? Yeah, I've just thought about it. If I've done that, my life would be pretty boring. Not that those faculties are boring. Hell no. It'll just that I'll be doing the same thing since Sec1, and I'm not sure if I should do that. Maybe it's time for a change. So bring on the math. I can take it. ;)

Bring it on man.


Oh and have I said how my whole december holidays are like, gone? Yeah. I've actually wanted to get a head start on Intro to Stats. I've heard from my friends who took this module that if you do not have a prior math background like Math C or F MAth, you can be prepared to die in this module. Great. Just great. The last semi semblance of math I've done is in Sec 4 A Math. Great. I just hope that by next sem, they'll realise that Intro to Stats is too difficult, and replace it with Literary Approach to Business instead.

Har har. I am so funny sometimes.

Haven't been updating interesting stuff for a long time already. After exams.

Oh sheesh. Can you imagine how silly I am? I've scheduled a meeting right after my last exam on the 27th. I'm nuts.


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