Thursday, May 13, 2004

Law Bash @ SOS aka I hate losers aka I'm feeling mean.

Was on 8th May.

What a totally redundant sentence.

Anywayyy, I don't know if it was a success or not, but it was pretty packed. And it has an unusually large number of cute guys.

No, I'm not shallow or superficial. It does have quite a bit of above average guys, more than the usual bashes and more than normal clubbing places save Zouk. Which only leads me to one question.

What does UNICEF mean?

Ha ha! I'm kidding, of course. As you can see, I'm in a very crappy mood. Actually I'm just filling for time, waiting for my room to be cold enough to go in, air conditioner seems to be quite screwed. Anyway, as I was saying, the question is 'Why are there so many above average guys in *this* bash?'

Not that I'm interested in the answers, but do sign me up for other law bashes in future.

Anyhow, don't you just hate Nerds (incidentally, with a capital N). This couple of guys who were dancing near me, Sam and Yushan started talking to me and asked if they can join us. So I told them - 'There's a lot of space there *gesture to some place*. You can go there'. Yeah I'm damn mean. So what. :p

Anyway, that doesn't seem to pummel straight into their brains, so they come again. This time, they decided to go high tech and showed me a message on their handphones. 'Can my friend make friends with U?'

Have I told you how much I hate lingo? People who type 'U' in place of 'you' should have their faces put on a porcupine, in my opinion.
(Incidentally, the 'u' with the two dots above is acceptable because
1)it's cute
2)I use it on a regular basis)

Anyhow, I told them 'no' again.

Then this guy from school T met Sam and recognised her. I thought T was damn cute. Heh. Anyway, I talked to T a little. Like really little. Maybe 2 words. Yeah. Then the Nerds strike again. This time, they used the handphone method again. And says - 'Can I have your number?'

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Me - 'Are you out of your minds?'

No la, I wasn't that mean. But I told them that I don't give numbers. Which is quite true. I don't give it to people I don't want to. Then the guy beside me was like 'He asked you for your number?'. And I was like 'Yes' and he laughed. Whooped, really. I hope he wasn't laughing at me, but at the Nerd instead. But. Whatever.

Anyhow, the night ended fun. And no, I wasn't drunk. So yay me. :D


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