Tuesday, April 01, 2003

As per request!

This is so not me.. haha but still! You know who you are!

Felt quite good today, got compliments about my clothes from my colleague, who said I looked 'stylish' and that I look like a HongKong pop star or similar. *smiles* Coming from her, it's a huge compliment. She has impreccable dress sense and she's really really pretty. Ahh.. feel ready to take on the world right now! ;)

Feeling quite perky now that have coffee. Was quite tired initially when meeting PS and MM for lunch. But was not so tired after while. They said I looked dazed. Anyway, I like my new skirt! PS, I have to exchange the skirt with you sometime! I want to try the sea green one, and you have to try my pink one! I think we both look really great in this skirt. Hmmm.. PS and I have good taste. Lol (It means Laughing out loud, if you didn't know :))

PS and MM - I'm still saving all his smses. You know who he is ;) Very goodlooking. Will try to get the picture and show it to you all sometime. Don't know why. He's very relaxed and stuff when I have my hair in a ponytail, but when I let my hair down, he clams up and act all stiff. What's with him? How can I seduce him? lol


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