Saturday, June 14, 2003

Dad and I are swimming buddies

In honour of Dad's day tomorrow, I will declare dad as my swimming buddy! :D Hahaha... Dad's so fantastic, at least he goes swimming with me at the club every week. Unlike Alex :p. Pity. Alex is such a good swimmer, what with his life saving badges and all. I could really do with some help. Having some breathing problems lately. Hmmm... anyway, think going to up on my laps. Going to forget about the timing first, but just keep doing laps. Actually, someone actually told me I swim as though I'm in a 50 metre sprint competition, trying to get the lap over and done with. Think I have to slow it a little.

Anyway, Yay for dad! :D Happy father's day, Dad. You know I'm still a daddy's girl :D


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