Monday, February 16, 2004

Argh! You are a stupid loser! (aka Because I am great and you are a loser.)

Sorry, I needed somewhere to rant. Rest assured that this is not targeted at anyone of you (i.e ppl whom I knows reads my blog and I know will NEVER EVER do anything stupid like the following)

Stop bothering me if

1) You are too stupid to comprehend the phrase 'If the sky can crack, there must be some way back'. And don't cease to stop asking me questions even when I roll my eyes and tell you 'It means if the sky can crack, there must be some way back'. And if you find the need to continue to ask me, 'back to where'? please don't be too offended if I tell you 'whatever is above the sky' .

And then, don't act all innocent and ask me if I'm alright.

2) You find a need to comment on EVERYTHING I write, and question the validity of it and then insinuate that I'm wrong and I am nothing but a lousy person. In the big picture, I don't give a damn to what you think is right or wrong. This IS my blog, for crying out loud. I don't need you to tell me I've 1)posted a wrong opinion OR 2)Not lived my life the correct way etc. Access to my diary does NOT mean you can boss my around. Access to my diary means you can shower me with concern. *wry smile* And some of you did indeed do just that and I love you for it :D I respond well to constructive criticism, just not bossy criticism.

3) Thirdly, this is in general. I don't know who reads this so this is going to be quite implicit. (Don't worry, my friends whom I know reads, this is most definitely NOT about you) Okay, here goes.

Please don't think that just because you (specific someone) have power, you can choose to treat me like your minion. Because you are nothing but an ugly and unpleasant individual. You do not control me, and you most definitely will not if you are so unreasonable. I do not respect people who practice double standards and that's why I do not have an iota of respect for you.

Maybe that's why we've never really clicked. Because I don't deal well with losers.

That's it. I'm done ranting. Interested parties can find out more info from me. I'll be glad to dish the dirt.


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