Friday, February 27, 2004

No - (enuciate - 'nO), adverb, 1 syllable word. Say it, Chris, it's easy to say.


Main Entry: 1no
Pronunciation: 'nO
Function: adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nA, from ne not + A always; akin to Old Norse & Old High German ne not, Latin ne-, Greek nE- -- more at AYE
1 a chiefly Scottish : NOT b -- used as a function word to express the negative of an alternative choice or possibility (shall we go out to dinner or no)
2 : in no respect or degree -- used in comparisons
3 : not so -- used to express negation, dissent, denial, or refusal (no, I'm not going)
4 -- used with a following adjective to imply a meaning expressed by the opposite positive statement (in no uncertain terms)
5 -- used as a function word to emphasize a following negative or to introduce a more emphatic, explicit, or comprehensive statement
6 -- used as an interjection to express surprise, doubt, or incredulity
7 -- used in combination with a verb to form a compound adjective (no-bake pie)

Chris. 'No' is a very simple word to use. Why can't you say 'No'?!


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