Friday, April 15, 2005

laughing till your sides hurt

We love food!

Yesterday we went to Newton Circus to celebrate Weisiong and Mel's birthday. Happy birthday tomorrow Weisiong! :) Anyway, before that I went to a far far away place Serangoon to hang out with Dan. Kovan is like the most exciting place in the world. Haha. They have the snow ice thingy which I love... that's unfair... :/

It was fun! Everybody except zs and angel where there. Anyway, we ordered so much food! Gah! Haha... looking at the spread on the table (I think we had like 12 dishes?) HAhaha... and in the photos it looked so oily! Heh.

Oh ya... 2 stupid things happened. :p

(1) I dropped my phone while I was smsing... it landed near the drain and the cover fell out, and fell into the drain! I was so shocked for a while I didn't know what to do. Drain's about 3 ft deep. Actually the first thought that came into my mind was... 'I need to sms!' Second thought was 'Hey maybe I can buy a new phone'. Third thought was 'Did my SIM card drop in!!!' Thanks to Daniel and Caleb who helped get my cover. Daniel got it, then as he was passing it to me, it slipped though my fingers and fell. It balanced on the drain precariously for a while...

Then fell though the drain again.


Hahahha... Then daniel has to lie on the floor to pick it up again. I feel so bad, but really grateful :) Thanks to the whole 'drain gang' hahaha. :)

(2) I was taking the camera from WS and he passed it over over the plates of food. Then!!! as I took it, the battery fell out from the camera?!!! Like, what are the odds of that happening!! Gah... I feel so bad again. :/ Then the whole night they said I could touch anything cause it'll drop (like the char kuay teow :() or I'll fall into the drain. So ya... poor me.

Anyhow! Mel Christina Jiahui and I took lots of mad photos!! Hahaha... on the pathway near the road. It was so fun! We were like laughing all the way throughout the phototaking! Hahaha.

Later we went to Settler's Cafe at Clarke Quay area. HAhaha... took more mad photos (like school yearbook photos... hahaha...) We played Apples to Apples (quite fun), Pit (Made me hoarse screaming '2 cards 2 cards!) and Jungle Speed.
I love Jungle Speed!!! It's so fun, albeit violent hahah. Sorry Mel! And Ws nearly got hit a couple of times too.. haha. Jh's like really good at it la! :) And hah! Luckily I didn't lose! :p

Played for about 1 half hours. So fun! Happy that they have one at HV now... yayyy!

Ok now have to go study... :/


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