This entry is best taken at face value, one spoonful today and before mealtime.
Thinking it over - Thank you Miss D. Maybe now, I can finally piece all parts of the egnimatic puzzle into a clearer picture. Everyone was saying how she was a bitch and how she likes to credit herself for everything. But after a harsh speech to us today, I realise that she was actually v. honest and especially the part where she remarked that she'd lie awake at night and think of what she could do to improve on our lit. It just hit me right there and then -- she was honest. Suddenly, I felt that I had actually been judging her by how other people judge her and I did not really know her situation that well.
The Wisdom Of Austen - Remember I once put a quote from Austen's 'Emma'? It goes like this -- 'It is very unfair to judge of someone's conduct with having an intimate knowledge of their situation'. I think it is a very true reflection and I try to remind myself that whenever I try to make a judgement. Maybe I do not always suceed but I am proud to say that I did try to abide by that personal rule to myself. And now, I try to see it from Miss D's point of view and I am very much humbled. I am not going to call her a bitch anymore.
Thinking it over - Thank you Miss D. Maybe now, I can finally piece all parts of the egnimatic puzzle into a clearer picture. Everyone was saying how she was a bitch and how she likes to credit herself for everything. But after a harsh speech to us today, I realise that she was actually v. honest and especially the part where she remarked that she'd lie awake at night and think of what she could do to improve on our lit. It just hit me right there and then -- she was honest. Suddenly, I felt that I had actually been judging her by how other people judge her and I did not really know her situation that well.
The Wisdom Of Austen - Remember I once put a quote from Austen's 'Emma'? It goes like this -- 'It is very unfair to judge of someone's conduct with having an intimate knowledge of their situation'. I think it is a very true reflection and I try to remind myself that whenever I try to make a judgement. Maybe I do not always suceed but I am proud to say that I did try to abide by that personal rule to myself. And now, I try to see it from Miss D's point of view and I am very much humbled. I am not going to call her a bitch anymore.
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