Wednesday, February 12, 2003

re:shuhui's post

well. what can I say. it didn't bother me as much as i thought it would.

on the same muse

sometimes, it's really amazing how some of your words can be taken to mean so much more than they do at face value. i've learnt from kok that it's okay to speak your mind, if it offends people, too bad. but whatever you do, never offend yourself. i am tired of trying to put on a nice facade when i feel catty, or to try and mask my words and try not to hurt anyone. firstly because it just complicates my life and secondly, even when i do that, people do take offense. it's so much easier to be honest. i used to think it was cliche, but, 'what tangled webs we weave when we first practiced to deceive', or something like that.

i must admit that i didn't like people trying to analyse me. if i wanted something like that, i will go to a psychologist, thank you very much. but i realise that there is still freedom of speech. hence when sam 'analysed' that to me 'imitation wasn't flattery', well, what can i say? i am open to criticism just as long as it isn't flaming.

i would just like to point out that i was just thinking that wasn't the designer of the web layout a more suitable person to thank. afterall, well, that person designed the website.

if sam's friend amir get scared off my site, or my board forever because of how she perceives my words, i don't blame him. i came across as catty.

just my side of the story.

(anyway, am not using caps or anything. feeling lazy)


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