Sunday, March 28, 2004

Update on horrible Kevin

On Saturday, I went to school for M&O SPP. Was actually 'supposed' to go to the SRC for the SAC run, but 1) did not want to run and 2) had volunteered to be at registration booth but was unceremoniously dumped by Wendy Liu. (Hm, maybe should have exhibited more anger than to just shrug it off. Hm... Well. That biyotch!)

Anyhow, I just got on the shuttle bus and was on the 'aisle' when out of the corner of my eye I saw someone on the left gesture. However, it didn't seem to be directed at me in any sense, so I didn't pay attention to it. For all I know, the person could be doing... some stretching exercises... on a bus. Erm. Whatever, you get what I mean.

So I walked to the back of the bus. And when it reached Bizad, the 'gesturer' turned and I realised that it was Kevin. Grahh!! Maybe have seen wrongly... I won't know cause the moment I noticed it was him, I started off the bus and didn't even look back. I didn't need an early morning accusation as to why I wasn't at the SRC. And I didn't want to explain the whole long circumstance to him. Then realised that if that indeed was Kevin and if gesture was a gesture at me, i.e. a 'hello' gesture, then will be incredibly rude of me to have acted the way I have. But as per the given reasons, I didn't want to.

So how. Sam says I should be friendly. I don't know. Sometimes I couldn't care less about petty and unreasonable people, but if there are circumstances I should understand, I think I must try to understand them. So maybe I should stop holding a grudge anymore.


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