Wednesday, August 18, 2004



Quite happy today.

Actually I've been pretty studious these couple of days, been studying a little and actually paying attention to my lecture notes. Also did up the communication model for Business Communication. So now I only have the 2 articles to write and to buy my course reader to start for 1021.

It's all good!

Anyhow, was late for school today, but not too late. Macroecons was quite a boring lecture. No, not the subject itself, but the lecturer was really quite boring. I like Economics. Sat with Kaian and Alicia and apparently he's having a gig at Bishan soon. Dunno. I think his singing should be quite good. Haha.

Later ate lunch with Fuming, Cher and Yap. Quite funny, I don't even know how we ended up eating lunch together! Haha... It just wasn't my usual group of lunch-ers if you know what I mean, but it was really fun to eat with them! Heh. LAter went to print my notes. The new printer system in the com lab was SO MUCH BETTER! And efficient.

Went over to Co-op again to try and buy my course reader but it's still not there! I've been going there everyday all week to ask for it. I think they recognise me and my course number as well, like 'the girl who keeps asking for 1021'.

Met Christina for lunch at arts. She was with her friend Melina (I think) and they were quite fun to hang out with. Heh. Yup I ate lunch again. The Olive Cove at Arts is not too bad, love their potato salad, they have bacon bits! :D (But still, I love Edward's western food at Biz so ya.) And the soup too! Anyway they were talking about the Engine twins, who apparently were quite cute and are sitting behind us. Haha... quite fun hanging out with them.

Then went to study with Cher and Chris joined us. Then watched Gentlemen prefer Blondes. HAha... it's by Howard Hanks. I think I love his movies. In modern days it will be the romantic comedy genre (think Meg Ryan). Marilyn Monroe was great in the film, I love the way she speaks. Haha, must emulate. It's so sexy!

Okay, I got to go, 9 am class tomorrow. And I'm sleepy already!


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