Wednesday, August 18, 2004


I've been watching the Singapore Idol previews and something tells me I'll really hate the judges. I mean, their tones are really really awful, and what they say are not even constructive. It's hurtful and mean. As the audience, I find it offensive, not to say the contestants.

I think they have to remember that what they say can have a very huge impact. And to the audience, it is not entertainment. It's grating on the ears and makes me hate the judges. On American Idol, we have at least a nice judge - Paula. And while audiences always say that she is the most boring and ineffectual it more interestingof the judges because she praises, they forget that she provides a sort of balance. And that can be important. And in a sense it makes that there is a mixture of opinions other than 4 Singaporean judges having similar 'criticism'.

And just when I thought Singapore Idol will be interesting and professional, it lets me down.


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