Monday, November 08, 2004

Excuse me, are you an organ donor?

Today I went to collect my registered letter.

"Dear 21 yr old to be,
Congrats on hitting the big 21 soon! And as responsible and mature adults, I'm sure you know you're gonna die, I mean, in the future. So yup, hey do you know under the Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA), when you hit 21, and if you were to die after this, your organs are kinda like not your property anymore! It belongs to the hospital, who has the power to use your kidney/liver/heart/cornea? Totally! That is, unless, you object to it (when you're alive, obviously)"

I'm kidding, of course the letter wasn't phrased like that. That would be the most insensitive letter ever written. But seriously, I didn't know that there's such an Act. Honest. I thought it will be something you volunteer to be, instead of something you're instantly drafted into once you hit 21. Not that I have anything against that, cause I was going to volunteer to be an organ donor anyway. But I felt it a little... I don't know. Invasive?


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