I start to think that you might not be real
Yesterday I was sitting at the benches near coffee club express at arts. When I was leaving, I turned around and I thought I saw K. It was a really surreal moment. I did what I did best in situations like these. I turned back immediately, gathered my files and walked away like I didn't see him. I glanced back, and he looked up, and walked towards me.
I didn't know what to do, so I walked into the washroom. I think I was practically running, cause I startled the girl who was coming out of the washroom. But I didn't know what to do... what should I say right.
And speaking about not being real. How real is thinking about someone 24/7? How real is thinking about someone so much even though you've only seen him on 2 occasions? And how real are you to him when he cannot even remember how your voice sounds like? How stupid does this make me feel?
I do start to think that it might not be real.
Nevertheless, it does make me unenthusiastic about dating.
Speaking about going out, I went out with Luke last friday. Watched Seoul Raiders. I love that film! It actually entertains me, Tony Leung make me want to kiss him, Ritchie Jen makes me what to marry him, and Shu Qi makes me want to curl my hair like hers. We later went to Cafe Cartel to hang out. Got the plushy seats heh. Later went to meet Chris at Indochine... I wanted to go clubbing but Indochine's too quiet, and Chinablack has such a long queue! I didn't want to queue so I went home.
Saturday was steamboat and mahjong with the mentoring people at Dan's place. I lost money at mahjong, but it's a small loss. Haha. I'll feel sad if I lose a lot of money, I think. Haha.
Sunday at Siong Eng's place... her 21st. Town planners proved to be inadequate as blk 442 is located miles away from blk 441. Anyhow... it was fun meeting up with the secondary school people again. Siong Eng looks prettier, Ming has a cool new haircut, Tungwhee is an officer and Kelvin drives a Mercs sports car. Haha... nice to know some things don't change though.
Today I went tanning with Moon! Haha... it was fun, and I have a great tan! Yay!!! Oh ya, hottie of Sentosa today is awarded to this cute guy playing volleyball at Sunset bay! Haha. He was playing volleyball with his friend, 2 of them against this group of 5 guys who are quite lousy. Haha.. his friend asked Moon and I to join them. The volleyball guy is really really cute! I think it's the ear stud. Never fails to slay me.
I didn't know what to do, so I walked into the washroom. I think I was practically running, cause I startled the girl who was coming out of the washroom. But I didn't know what to do... what should I say right.
And speaking about not being real. How real is thinking about someone 24/7? How real is thinking about someone so much even though you've only seen him on 2 occasions? And how real are you to him when he cannot even remember how your voice sounds like? How stupid does this make me feel?
I do start to think that it might not be real.
Nevertheless, it does make me unenthusiastic about dating.
Speaking about going out, I went out with Luke last friday. Watched Seoul Raiders. I love that film! It actually entertains me, Tony Leung make me want to kiss him, Ritchie Jen makes me what to marry him, and Shu Qi makes me want to curl my hair like hers. We later went to Cafe Cartel to hang out. Got the plushy seats heh. Later went to meet Chris at Indochine... I wanted to go clubbing but Indochine's too quiet, and Chinablack has such a long queue! I didn't want to queue so I went home.
Saturday was steamboat and mahjong with the mentoring people at Dan's place. I lost money at mahjong, but it's a small loss. Haha. I'll feel sad if I lose a lot of money, I think. Haha.
Sunday at Siong Eng's place... her 21st. Town planners proved to be inadequate as blk 442 is located miles away from blk 441. Anyhow... it was fun meeting up with the secondary school people again. Siong Eng looks prettier, Ming has a cool new haircut, Tungwhee is an officer and Kelvin drives a Mercs sports car. Haha... nice to know some things don't change though.
Today I went tanning with Moon! Haha... it was fun, and I have a great tan! Yay!!! Oh ya, hottie of Sentosa today is awarded to this cute guy playing volleyball at Sunset bay! Haha. He was playing volleyball with his friend, 2 of them against this group of 5 guys who are quite lousy. Haha.. his friend asked Moon and I to join them. The volleyball guy is really really cute! I think it's the ear stud. Never fails to slay me.
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