Saturday, March 26, 2005


Once again, I'm awake at 7 on a Sunday morning. This is so damn weird... I think my biological alarm clock has been altered a little since project hell week, waking up for 8 am classes, 9 / 10 am meetings. So even now when I don't have to wake up early, here I am. I wonder how long would it be before I start sleeping till 10 again... haha.

And grah!!! I have so much to do today!!!
(1) Research on SMEs in Singapore and their performances overseas (Due Tuesday with PPT)
(2) Peer evaluation for Landscapes (This should be easy)
(3) Try to make the ppt for Asian Markets more pro. (Poor project mate's like doing a lot of work..)
(4) Send out resumes

And I'm trying to do as much stuff as I can possibly do today, so I could go out tomorrow... Sigh. I really really want to be good and be like those people who can really focus, you know? When they have a project due, they'd just sit their butt down and concentrate on making it perfect till it is - not running around having fun then turn around and grumble that she didn't have enough time, like me.

I'm a procrastinator... hahah... BUT I can't stand the thought of handing a sub standard project!!! :/ Kills me (Thanks Sheryl for this phrase)

Hm... I can't wait for Asian markets seminars to end also... I really like the lecture, but hey... the ticket system's irritating me. I can't stand it when people say stupid things and get rewarded for it just cause they manage to confuse the whole class. There's a difference between a good point that makes you go 'Hmmm...' and a piece of shit point that makes you go 'Hmmm...?!?' I'm just bitter.

Aiya. This sem has been pretty up and down, in many ways... I'm kind of glad the sem's coming to a close. I love the modules I'm taking but there are just too many projects!

Ok... If I just breathe, everything will be alright. Everything will be alright! Thank you Michelle Branch!

(Happy Birthday =))


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