Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Hello there! I see you are early today… step in, step in, and be careful not to trip on the pile of stuff that I’ve been collecting. Yes, those are Qoo bottles. I hear that their values would triple in 2 months time. Maybe you should invest in some bottles too.

Lol. Am a little crazy. Paulie crazy. Haha… What I just said would not make much sense to you guys huh? Oookk. Let’s get on.

[[Britney Spears’ ‘Born to make you happy’ is playing. ;) Am feeling a little corny-pop today. Heh. I really like that song! I don’t know why!]]

Simply Bow-ed over!

Nick smsed me again last night. That guy. I don’t even know who on earth he is. And I’m telling him that, I mean, that should be enough to make him say ‘Ok, I shan’t disturb you anymore. It’s plain you don’t remember me and it’s weird to talk to a total stranger’ But who knows, he asked if he could call me to talk. Wtf?!


[[What I wore today – Black, above knee length, skirt. Blue spaghetti top and a black jacket. Cool huh lol. And I wore my new glasses! Am looking sexy-intellectual! Haha]]

Today was pretty jumbled up. I should be feeling none too great, but several nice things happened too, so, eh, am feeling pretty cool. Reached school pretty early before Xin and was hanging out in the staff room. To be a relief teacher and not know anyone kind of sucks. I mean, they are very nice and friendly and I get a lot of smiles the couple of days I’ve been there, but you know, office jokes and stuff, I’m outta it.

Yean is nice, was asking around if anyone needed anything from the canteen, and she even came up to me, tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I needed anything. Adeline is the one I go to when I needed to ask anything. Bridget, sitting next to me smiles at me often. Denis is very funny, I always hear him before I see him. Maurice intro-ed me to Terence before, and he’s very funny. Have not seen him around, hmmm. And Edwin, yesterday. Didn’t talk much to him. Grace is really really nice, think she’s on close terms with Xin and Charmaine is too. Of course, there are other teachers whom I trade smiles with (heh, love that term. Trade smiles. :D) and it’s a great environment.

*First period

So today, first period totally sucked. Seriously. That was the combined humanities class I had on Monday. Seriously, I know it’s first period, raining and all, but the mood of the class is the pits, man. This smart alec, whom I’ve referred to on Monday is at his cynical mood again. Every time I asked a question, no one would answer and then he’d answer, and it’ll be a totally ridiculous and stupid answer. Like, grow up already! *mad. Ass. Still have another lesson with them tomorrow. Does my suffering never end? First period too, I think. *runs off to check.

Gaaahhh! I lost the schedule! It’s not so bad that I’ve lost it, but it’s Maurice’s copy! I took it off his table! Arrr! *wrings hands in despair. How on earth would I go to the classes tomorrow?

Am going to think about it later.

**Fourth period, second lesson.

Yay! My favourite combined humanities class! Woohoo! Of course, there are a few disgusting people here and there, but heh. Shall not give a damn about them as I love the rest of the class. Some of them there are really smart, there are 3 guys in front who always participated in the class. :) And of course, there is Ian and his friend. Heh. I’m using Ian’s name b/c it’s the only name I know. They are the vocal yet smart type, you know what I mean? Somewhat like LucasI really think that they will go far, as they are really smart and very likeable.

Oh, likeable… maybe I should revise that. Lol. I wrote ‘Read through the passage Z for Zachariah’ on the white board and Ian was like, ‘She wrote that down ‘cause she can’t pronounce it.’ Lol. That was actually true. What kind of name is Zachariah? If you type that in MS Word, it’ll have a squiggly red line below it. That was funny actually :).

There was this other guy, I thought I heard him say something vulgar when I told him to hurry up for class. Hum… not too sure. Whatever. He looks like Lorenzo, btw.


I couldn’t find Xin, so I went to the canteen alone to buy mineral water. Was walking back to the staff room and smsing on the phone when suddenly, this guy walking towards me bowed. Bowed!. I mean, at CHS, the students are supposed to bow to teachers, but all of them do the ‘nod-your-head’ bow. This bow is The Bow. His entire upper body is parallel to the floor. Hee… So funny! It’s a little scary also, b/c this head was coming towards me. Haha. I didn’t know who that guy was! Heck, I couldn’t even see his face. But I saw who’s beside him who was laughing like mad. Ian, I think. Ah, that figures. Hoho… this was funny incident of the day.

**Last period!

Was the ‘guai’ class. Wasn’t very special or anything. Went in, told them that they had to do another comprehension, to which they groaned. Naturally. Haha… just gave out the stuff, bantered a little and sat down to read Macbeth that I nicked from Maurice’s table. Haha… apparently, I’m ‘very efficient’.

Heehee… the principal is very funny. There was this news incident about this Cat High guy who changed sex, and went around telling people he’s from St. Nick’s. So the principal was talking about CHS’s collaboration with St. Nick’s for some concert thingy, and was like ‘Stop salivating!’. He then went on to talk about how the guys should be proud of their school song, and should sing it loudly. So in the future, if they married a St. Nick’s girl, they can sing their school song louder than them. (Or sth like that). Then he was like, ‘You can marry a St. Nick’s girl, but you can never change loyalties!’, which was in reference to the news incident, of course. Haha…

Arrr…am tired. Guess who just messaged? Mmmm… Haha… Gotta go!


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