Sunday, July 06, 2003

*yawn. I’m afraid this entry will be a stream-of-conscious account.

I’m back at work. Again. Grahh.. :( Anyone who ever said that they don’t mind a boring job just as long as it pays a lot IS LYING. Nothing can ever gratify a boring ass job. *yawn.

Oh, I forgot, *hugsAmir. Thanks ah :D:D Will tell all about *happy dust* incident later. Heh. Thanks Tash and Nhr dears :) *runs off to read your blogs. Mike!!! I wanna reeeaaad!!!

Guys, I’ll be doing my camp update a little later…. Am sooo…. tired and frankly, I can’t really remember what happened. I’m feeling so woozy and stuff. What’s up with me? I cannot concentrate, and I think Miss Boss knows that I’ve been slacking since I arrived late this morn. *yawn. I think. Tiredness is definitely a sign that you are (1)a lazy horrible bum-person (2)you haven’t been working out (3)you have not been sleeping well.

Speaking about point (3), I had the worst dream last night. Remember in the past I had this ‘being pinned down on the bed and not able to move’ dream? It came back again. I open my eyes, tried to move, but can’t. Struggled, tried to scream, but the voices reverberated in my mind, does not project. Weird thing is, I can see Alex standing at the door, talking to me, and I was shouting at him to help me get the force off. And he cannot hear me. And then. Silence.

Shite. Why am I having dreams like that? And it recurs. The topping point to this weirdness is that when I awake, the first thing I think about it he (not Alex) could save me. Like, you know, banish this horrible thing. :\ I think I’m going psycho. Look for me at the funny farm.

Book Club discussion starts tomorrow. But I think Anna won’t be there? I wonder what’s up, maybe I’ll email her or something. Got to jot down a few points for the discussion. (Hohoho… lit student in me kicking in). Here goes –
*By all accounts, the basis of the story is something tragic, yet it comes across as singularly controlled, callous at points, even.
*The a/b could be due to the narrative style (through Susie’s eyes)
*Interestingly, there is not much show of anger. Why?
*The entire family structure breaks down on Susie’s death. Shows the very worst of what could have happened. Is this for sensationalizing the story? Or maybe a more realistic, less ‘rose-colored-glasses’ point of view?
*Family catharsis arrives at the point of Mr. Salmon’s 2nd heart attack?

Saturday | Maksim and some other stuff

Went out on Saturday with Sam to Marche. I slept through the whole of Friday (and missed TAR! :/). Anyhoo. Went to Orchard area. Singapore’s getting really boring. There are so few places to hang out. I digress. Had not-so-hot Rosti, some drink and yummilicious mango-grapefruit sorbet. I love sorbets. I will take them over rich chocolate ice cream anytime, thank you very much. They didn’t have lasagna. :\ Bleah. Alright… the food was okay. Caught up with Sam about the camp stuff. :D Thanks v much for the 3 am call hoh! Lol. I was still quite tired then, so didn’t really catch much of the conversation… so, must tell me about Ricardo sometime ok? Heh *winks furiously

Just got Maksim’s CD. I think I’m on a classical CD buying phase. Last week I bought 2 classic CDs, the one that that’s advertised on tv? Classics forever. Bought part 1 and 2 of it. Erm, if you guys are planning on getting it as well, you might wanna try CD Rama rather than HMV or Gramophone. Anyway, I bought a CD by this incredibly talented piano player Maksim. Caught his MTV on tv and you should see his fingers fly over the piano for ‘Flight of the bumble bee’. My goodness. Pitch perfect and each key with striking precision and correct timing. To think that I was quite proud of my Etude for Scale Training from the Turkish March. :D:D This is about 200 times faster. So, go check Maksim out,everybody.

And Staind! Whoo!! I wanna get their new CD!

Oh yeah, I saw Val and KaiAn too. :D

Oops, the profs are here. Got to scurry away.


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