Sunday, July 04, 2004


FOC was super fun! Had lots of responsibilities (organising campus hunt, pool games and sentosa games with Wendy and helping out at the slide as well so I didn’t get to play main comm. attach to my OG much, also I couldn’t play SP also. :) Still. This year’s a weird year in that there are more male campers than females! So female seniors had to play SP.

Day 0 - We moved in into KR one day earlier so that we can settle stuff first. Lucky Wendy drove me… I had so much stuff! Haha… and she had even more. Gosh. Basically didn’t do much on day 0. I just settle more of my campus hunt things and prayed for good weather tomorrow, cause my wet weather plan for campus hunt is crap. It’s really hard to plan for CH wet weather. Also packed goodie bags. At night a couple of us went over to Wendy’s room to gossip. Haha… Yap Kaweng Chuanhui and Yonghui and Angeline.

Day 1 - Lucky Campus Hunt and Pool games went relatively well, except for a slight glitch at Pool games, which resulted in me and Kelvin frantically driving Wend's car back to HSS so that we can get candles. Haha… And Steve once again pissing some one off (me). Generally the whole thing went well so I’m damn relieved! :) At night, I helped Yap with Slide. Damn fun! :) For the first 4 Ogs, I was station at the bottom of the slide with Steve, ZW and Delvin, so basically my job is to see if anyone has injuries after they come down of the slide. It was really funny to see people come down the slide and some of them splashed loads of water as they came down. Del and ZW were at one point quite drenched… Haha. Later I changed jobs with Wendy, so I was stationed upstairs with Irza, leading the campers to the slide. (They were blindfolded) We kept making up strange scenarios like saying ‘Can you swim? Erm… well just tread water… It’s only 4 metres. Yeah well, don’t worry now, since you are here already, may as well do it right? Oh yeah, if no one comes to rescue you after 5 minutes, shout out loud, okay?’ Haha… it’s really funny, and at one point, we were leading this guy who was really quite irritating, and he said something quite shitty la. So Irza was like ‘Damn, she died man’ *laugh out loud* It was so funny, the way he said it! Haha… Later in the night, I went to met Cher and my OG for supper at FongSeng, but since Wendy was driving, I ended up going with her, Edmund, ZW, Weih and Yap to supper instead.

Day 2 - Sentosa! Super fun! I got to wear my new Nike cap :) (which I’m not so sure if I will wear again… I am not usually a cap wearer) Anyway, it was really fun, the weather was good, and we had loads of laughter with the Bikini Babe game. Let’s just say I’d never ever be able to look at Steve and Weis in the same way again… *coughpassionofthemeatballscough* The whole game is fricking porn, lol. I was supposed to be roving and checking on the different stations, but I spent almost all of my time at that station with Edmund ZW Yonghui and Adel. In the end, almost the entire committee came and looked at Weis and Steve’s performance… haha. It’s damn gross, you will be sickly fascinated by it cause it’s so gross. Haha… we also had our ‘laughing circle’, where some of us gather and say stupid jokes and laugh our butts off. Especially the one with Gerald and the chair. Hee. Later at night we had SP meeting. Me and Val went to look for Cher and seriously her SP was really quite bad. Hm… won’t say too much about it but at one point in time there were about 10 of us surrounding them and watching him sing (he was blindfolded).

Day 3 - IFG and SP night! :) Biz played IFG against Engine and Science. We won! :D:D We won almost everything, and the only one we didn’t’ win was void, cause of game deficiencies. The Engine chair was awfully nice about it too. Great games, and it was the first time Bizad had won in a long time… Haha. Later we had Mass Dance. Supposed to dance with Weiyang, but Adeline didn’t have a partner so I asked him to dance with her and I went to the back to hang out with Kevin and a few other people. Urm.. later we had the SP pick up. It was so fun! I went around several rooms and looked at how they ‘tekan’ the guys. Hoho… I didn’t get to the HSS room, which supposedly is the best room. I went over the the clubroom, SR14 and LT 19… and LT 19 was damn funny too. Later we went to SP night at Europa. Quite fun, several people got drunk. Drank this thing called Slippery Nipple haha… tastes like banana, then later someone told me it smells like toothpaste. Gerald got super high, and he was pole dancing! Haha… Overall it was a pretty good night, albeit the drunk people. Oh yeah. Later we had initiation. Had to practice cheer fight 5-6 times, which may sound bad considering it takes place at about 3 at night. But they said in the past, they practiced it more than 10 times! So we went for the run, and me and Huiying ran at the back cause we are so bad at it… haha. The initiation was good, Kevin’s speech damn weird, and we slept, like at 5 in the morn.

Day 4 - Performance. Time to sit back and relax. Surprisingly, after I tallied up the scores, Nitrar won both campus hunt/pool games and Sentosa! We weren’t a very spontaneous OG but we are certainly very good at games. In the end, we only gave Nitrar Campus hunt (though Sentosa we won by a lot! :D). Almost everyone won something and all was good. Wendy drove me back (thank goodness as I am so damn tired). :)

This has been a great camp! :D


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