Wheee!!! Photo time again. Important Questions

We had free flow oysters, tequila, whiskey blah blah blah... haha. Very sinful! Heh. Food was good, it probably costs a bomb though.
I had a glass of tequila, called Dan and talked nonsense, then downed another shot of something they passed me. I think it was vodka too? Not sure.
I shall let the photos do the talking... If it looks like I took photos with a lot of guys, that's cause my sec school class has a lot of guys :P And there is no photo with Qihan cause I couldn't find him. Haha. And if it looks like I have the same expression in every photo, you're right. And look! After 2 glasses of tequila and vodka straight I'm still as sober in every photo! I'm good!
Important Question 1

Went shopping with Cheryl on Sunday. I have a very important question to ask you guys (Click the thumbnail above)
So what do you think? Let me know!
It was fun catching up with Cher again. Went to the food fair in Takashimaya... I want to go back there! It's fun!
I bought lots of cool stuff too, will upload photos as soon as I can!
Important Question 2
Who is cooler?
Mememe =)

Or Dan? =)

Vote me!!!! =D=D=D (Hm, should I put up a voting thingy?)
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