a new morning!

notice how i have not used an exclamation mark in my title for such a long time (:
*with a little help from my friends. =)*
thanks to friends, and friends of friends... haha =) (sam, and a forward from her friend jr.)
and cher =)
and mel =)
and mike =)
and all my friends, those who treated me normally like i should be, not with kid gloves because they think i might be upset. maybe they did not know how affected i was, maybe they chose just to treat me normally so things won't be awkward, maybe they are just not that close to me. nevertheless, treating me normally helps. haha.
and michelle branch (okay. this is totally random, but 'breathe' has been on repeat on WMP since this morning)
it's carthasis. throwing stuff around this morning. or maybe last night and this morning.
i've decided. i'm through with feeling like this, and it's time to move.
i choose to be happy. in time, i will be. maybe happier.
this morning, i've smiled more than these couple of days combined. this morning, i had more rollercoaster emotion rides than the last couple of months combined.
this morning, i've not felt more resolute. and hopeful of the future.
it's about shifting my paradigms. =) there is so much more to look forward to =D
it's taken quite a bit of time, but thanks for having been so patient with me, you guys.=D
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