
Marketing Stars Night at Club Momo.
And another Jordi Labanda notebook. I'm now missing only the purple one!
Don't really know how to say it. I've both lost the feeling for clubbing, yet that is the only activity i can do that will take my mind off things. I think it's the combination of darkness, alcohol and inhabition, you tend not to think or care so much. And in my case, it's definitely better not to think a lot. Or be concerned. *shrug. It sounds horrible, but I've gotta recondition myself. I don't know if that's good or bad, but it's the only thing that works now. Don't think don't think don't think. Only think that everything is going to be okay. And if I think that long enough, everything might just be okay. Or maybe I'll be too busy thinking that I don't notice that it's not that okay.
Just breathe.
And everything is alright.
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