Friday, May 30, 2003

Ok so continuing on my whole NUS/NTU/SMU fiasco, Ming and I called up both NUS and SMU today. Yes. Ming got to call NUS and I got to call SMU. So here’s how it went.

Ming ‘When can we know the results of the enrolment?’
NUS ‘In early June’
Ming ‘Is it possible that it be revealed any earlier?’
NUS ‘I’m sorry that’s not possible’

Hmmm… early June, that means it HAS to be either the first or second week of June. Most likely the first; 2nd and 3rd weeks will be mid-June right? Ok.

Then I got to call SMU.

Me ‘ Does 14 working days mean 2 weeks or 14 *working* days, which will mean 2 ½ weeks?’
SMU ‘You have to hand in your application on the 6th of May’
Me ‘I got the enrolment notice for SMU and because I have another application pending over at NUS/NTU. Because I want to know all my options before making an informed decision’
SMU ‘Oh you don’t have to worry about that because NUS would be releasing their results on Monday, the 2nd of June. So you have time to make a decision. However, to be honest, it is quite disappointing to know that SMU is but a second choice to you’
Me ‘Oh no, I’m sorry if I made it sound that way but I just want to make an informed decision based on all the options that I have before me.’
SMU ‘Yes I understand that, but it’d been months already, haven’t you decided what you really want?’
Me ‘Yes, in fact SMU is my top choice’
SMU ‘ Then why are you hesitating?’
Me ‘It’s not that SMU is not good or anything. It’s just that I want to know which paths I have. I want to make an informed decision I… realize that I’m not making much sense’
SMU *laugh* ‘I’m sure you have a backup plan of sorts already, but if you really need to, you can talk to me regarding the admissions. If you need someone to talk to to make a decision’
Me ‘It’s just that I’m interested in Marketing, and I do not know if Business or Mass Communications is the way to go, so I want to get both results first and make a decision’
SMU ‘Oh! Then you’ll be glad to know that many of the top NTU Mass Comm lecturers are currently in SMU teaching, they are under Marketing’
ME ‘Wow really? That’s really good news! :)’

So it’s an excerpt of the conversation. The lady was really nice, as she offered to link me up with one of the Marketing professors for me to talk to and ask any questions. That means results are out probably next wed or Thursday! OMG!


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