Wednesday, January 28, 2004

ODay in the life of a sad and depressed girl.

I have not written anything for Sun-Tue though I have stuff to say, but what the hey.

This is just a quick post to say that I am sad and depressed and it's because of the stupid meeting today.

Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad.

Talk more later. Got to do more research to show him that I'm not stupid and dumb.

***The recap***

This is about yesterday and the stupid mortification that shall haunt the rest of my life and I will become slightly obsessive and will always strive to severely impress every 40 year old balding lawyer just because one of their kind said something mean to me yesterday.


Yesterday was a meeting with Mr. S. Loke from the Centre for CSR. I have no idea why I'm contacting him. I only did so cause I'm a do-as-I-say robot and contacted him cause King KengLeong asked me to do so, I have nothing better to do than to look up balding 40 year old lawyers, I always had a penchant for talking to people who are asses (oops). Kidding. What I meant was I went to him for a discussion if he can guide us for the exhibition.

And he was obviously not very happy that three year ones were meeting him. It was like as if Year ones are not good enough. (Augustine - 'Has he never been in year one before?') Then we went on to attack us on not having representatives from the forum. Then on our definition on SE. (Which I think is a pretty damn good definition, but wth) Then on the fact that we were contradictory (We were NOT, but he's putting words into our mouths).

Anyhow, he was asking us abt info about the exhibition. And I was like... I didn't prepare anything. (This is my fault I know, but the last couple of times I went to participate in a meeting, I had a FULL proposal prepared, and they didn't even ask about anything remotely associated with a proposal, so I thought what the heck) I know. So he was berating me about that. Okay, maybe berating is a little severe. He was saying 'If I'm a CEO, and you're my employee, why I'd not be impressed. You'd be on the do not hire list. I'm sorry I'm very blunt, but since you guys are still students so you can learn.' Blah blah blah blah. And I was like screw you... Nah, maybe not, cause I know what he says makes sense. But I am defensive so. And this is a freaking discussion session! I'm not selling you anything!!! Ugh.

But still. I'm wrong. He's right. I'll learn from this.

So. Yeah. That's what got me in such a rage yesterday. And made me very very sad. I mean, I was not very very angry, just sad and determined (a weird combination perhaps?)

Anyhow, the other guy was a little better. Kinder. Perhaps.

Oh yeah, and when we were about leaving, there was suddenly another partner coming, and I was actually like 'Shucks. If this guy comes to give me more crap, I'm really going to lose it'. Of course, I'll still have the nicest smile on my face, but I'm going to be real pissed. What do you know. He turned out to be quite young, and quite nice looking too. Sigh. But I was too tired from the meeting to say anything, so I prob turned out very sullen when I shoke his hand. Bleag.

Oh well, I think I got to firm up my stuff first before I can even think of going back there. It was a horrid experience.

Later had dinner with Yantyng and Larry at Lau Pa Sat. Was very wet and rainy and stuff and somehow it served to drive home the point.


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