Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Oh my freaking god a.k.a My life SUCKS.

Listening - I could sing of your love forever by Jars Of Clay.

My life sucks. My life totally flops. Gosh I do hate everything right now. I don't know what is it that makes me sadder. My blistering academic schedule, or my infected computer or my exhibition project, or my non existent love/social life. Or the fact that all the horrid things seem to come up and bite me all AT ONCE.

Last night I was surfing the my modules website IVLE, when there, in the small print under Managerial Science, was this

Prerequisites - Introduction to Statistics

What the freak are they talking about?!!!! When I signed up for this course, I was told there were NO PREREQUISITES. None. Zero. Nada. Zilch. And now I'm enrolled, and you tell me there is this prerequisite module I have to take. And then the other shoe drops. I am, in fact, taking the prerequisite module NOW. Which means I am taking Intro to Stats with Managerial Science. The prerequisite with the prerequisited. Great. Just great. The system is a stupid incompetent imbecile. Don't they know this is something important? Huh? Huh? Argh.

Arghahgaji hneslinvlaesiuhvrfb;ERHY;ASIUEYHFN RIUEVFLEKAUIYVRFLA. Take that, stupid system.

So last night, I emailed my professor. A Prof Sun Jie. Whatever. I asked him/her about the prerequisite thing, and told him/her, in surprisingly polite tones about my situation. And asked him/her to please advise. This morning, him/her told me "Oh, it's not supposed to be a prerequisite. I'm sorry. I will take that out." Whatever. How am I supposed to believe that? Now, everytime I go to class, there will be this nagging voice at the back of my head saying "There is supposed to be this prerequisite you know... and maybe, just maybe. You can't cope with it! Cause you don't have the freaking prerequisite! Surprise! Now your life REALLY starts! Good luck!" And I have not even taken Math C! Arhghhghg.

Another thing. My modules this semester is really...screwed. 3 math based, and 2 language based. By language based, I mean modules I can cope. Similarly. by math based, I mean modules that I have to work like a madwoman to barely understand. And the 2 language modules are really heavy workloads. On top of that, I have 2 MC projects and 1 FOP preject to work on. Great. Just great. Goodbye social life as I know it. Hello Ms. No-life-and-spent-all-her-days-sadly-in-front-of-some-papers-related-to-work. Thank god for my Film ARt module. It something I actually enjoy.

Sigh. The second thing is the state of my laptop. As I'm typing right now, I am aware that I cannot enter any blogger website. So I actually can't see my website. At all. So what the hell. And also. My startup page is virused by this stupid semi-porn chinese site that plants itself as my startup page. Eek. That is so so sad. And makes me look like a deprived young promiscuous girl. Which I'm not. I downloaded ad-aware to get rid of it, but seems like this bastard chinese website has firmly planted it's ugly fat butt on my startup page. I want to put someone's face on a porcupine.

And then mum has just called and asked me to find some secondary school number in the residential yellow pages. As I try to calmly tell her that the residential yellow pages doesn't have information like this, she gets all huffy and put down the phone. Sigh.

And my non existent love/social life. Enough said. Even my infauation with not-bad-guy is almost gone. Which is good.

My life does suck.


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