2 years ago... :)

Back L-R
GeokLeng, Me (in Val's sweater) Cher, Ryl
Front L-R
Val, Peiling, Ade

The morning after haha :D
Clockwise from the black tshirt
Weiherng, Peiling, Cher, Me (really tired... oh lookie, I'm wearing one of those yellow bands. Heh), Mingyao, Larry, Weisheng, Kaian, Ade, Geoleng, Ryl, Val.
We still meet up to celebrate each other's birthdays =)
Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if I hadn't met this group of great people. What if I have been in another OG? Would we be close? Would be collectively run for office together? (Weiherng - A.HonGen, Weisheng - Publications Chairperson, Me - Academic Chairperson, Larry - Vice Acad Chair, Val - FOP ViceChair, Cher - Jam and Hop Chairperson)
Miss the days where everything was simple. Sitting at lectures being singled out by the lecturer for being the noisest group there :P, the first sem where we grabbed 6 seats at the computer centre and called out our bidding points to each other... sitting at the canteen in between breaks just talking and talking and talking...
We used to meet up after classes, at least for the first sem... Have lunch together, then sit down and talk. It could go on for a few hours. I remember during the first semester, a couple of us would go to the canteen after class, and sometimes I'll accompany Val till it's time for the english lesson thingy. That's about 2 hours or so. Talking to seniors, talking to other freshies, grumbling about school work.
I wonder if seniors looked at us in amusement like I think I will be doing to the freshies when school reopens.
I do miss those days.
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