
Happy 4 months. =)
Sometimes difficult, sometimes uncertain, sometimes painful, sometimes pissed off, sometimes tired.
Always happy =D
(P/S - pardon the blurry-ness and the tacky photoframe of the first 2 photos. =p It was from some machine at the library which allows you to take photos and email them to yourself! Really cool, but very blurry...)
So yesterday was 1st August.
4 months straddles 1st and 2nd August actually... It would be about 12ish...
Speaking about that, I've been looking through my past entries on this blog, and realised I was really hazy about our first few dates... very vocal about it in my personal diary though. Haha... I might be typing out stuff I wrote in the diary, only because I think it as something I want to remember in this journal. I write more here, but less personal, I guess.
I was never a very demostrative person in terms of endearment, I guess, so now that I feel like expressing myself, it's not exactly the honeymoon period anymore so... =p I don't know... it still is for me, I guess. Aiyaaaa. =D
Love you dear.
So yesterday I dropped by school after getting Don's red alert email. Decided to donate a little more. I've already donated 10 bucks, but I figured I'll donate another 10 more. I mean, I'm not helping on Flag Day, so that's like the least I could do. Stayed for a while looking at the design for this year's rag. I like it! =D
Of Good Dates, being anal and chicken katsudon.
Found myself at Serangoon, where I'm supposed to watch Sin City with Dan, but erm, I think I accidentally spoilt the com. Or no actually I think he did la. It's so funny seeing him sit beside the CPU trying to figure out why the com is not working. Holding the plug in his hand 'I pulled this out, I'm wondering if I should put it back'. Hehe. We ended up watching Momento. Or kind of watching anymore. Hehe =D
Went to Ichiban Boshi for dinner. The food's not that fantastic. The view is fabulous! And for some reason I really really really enjoyed dinner yesterday. Don't know why. Was it what we were talking about? I'm not sure, I just hope what happened happens again. Haha... =D Eh I can go to a jap restaurant and eat only Oyakudon k! =D
Sitting with him at Esplanade... :D
Oh we went to the new National Library!
It's fabulous!
It's tall!
It's really beautiful!
It's 4302359 levels of Reference books!!!!!!!!
Anyhoo, if you guys happen to go to the Natl Library, and want to borrow books, it's on the basement level. Don't bother go upwards cause it's just levels after levels after levels of reference books.
Hm. The view from the top is fantastic though, even Mr I'm Afraid Of Heights was looking down when we went down in the glass elevator =p
He sent me back, and I know I've mentioned how much I love train rides with him. But I'm going to say it again. I love riding with him. =D
Yesterday was kind of a good day. Very good day =D
GAlloping Pigs! Jungle Speed! Taboo!
On Saturday! Went to meet the SMP Camp Crew at Holland Village's Settler's Cafe for the Afterglow event. It was fun!!!!
Urm, kind of tired now, so I'll let the pictures do the talking! =D

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