It is not fun... :\
To stay home on a friday night.
I know it's juvenile, and I have to get over this 'staying home on a friday night is so loserly!' thing.
Like in Sex and the City (I'm paraphrasing) ---
Carrie 'So what did you all do?'
Miranda 'I stayed home'
Charlotte 'What?!!! But it's friday! It's date night!'
I am so Charlotte!

Last saturday, while lounging in my pjs and reading a book, I suddenly had this overwhelming desire to GO OUT. Cannot be so loserly anymore!!!!
So I made a promise to myself - That by hook or by crook, I SHALL GO OUT the next weekend. Saturday and Sunday.
Maybe when I grow up I'll be more sensible like Miranda. (The same Miranda who said something like 'I'm so horny! It should be a law for pregnant women to be married. So then someone will be obliged to have sex with you!'... Hah)
So with that determination in mind... my wednesday (see entry below), thursday and friday were pretty good! Well, could be better, but never mind, I could eat dinner myself =p
Are we snobs?
Anyway, tanned with Cher on Thursday at Sentosa Siloso Beach! I'm not exactly nicely brown or anything, but my shoulders are peeling cause I was already burnt a little during the SMP camp.
So I was lying on the towel pretending to read, but actually spying on the group of lians and bengs over at the pavillion a stone's throw away from me. Cher was just lying there soaking up the sun. (Following conversation is paraphrased... I can't really remember what we said)
Me 'Har har. Look at them. The group over there'
Cher removes her Burberry sunglasses (yes I'm envious :p) and looks at the 2 bengs playing soccer. Beng1 is skinny, fair and is wearing white boxers. Beng2 is larger built, tattooed, wearing tank top and board shorts.
Me 'You don't wear white boxers to the beach'
Cher laughs
Cher 'And he's so fair'
Me 'Exactly!'
Cher 'Quite gross'
Me 'Ya... and not nice body also'
Cher 'I thought you said this was the beach with cute guys?'
Me 'Well the last time I was here (with Dan and his friends), there were a few'
So I was thinking... maybe we are a little mean la.
Me 'Do you think we are snobs?'
Cher 'Huh? What do you mean?'
Me 'Like I was laughing at those ah bengs'
Cher 'That's cause we are not like that culture, I guess'
Me 'You're the last girl whom I can imagine being an ah lian anyway. I mean that in a good way'
Cher 'Actually you know right, when you don't smile, like when you are walking, you look a little aloof'
Me 'Is it?!! How come everyone says that!!'
Cher 'Not really the whole face la... actually only the eyes.. and the mouth... which is like the whole face actually.'
Me laughs
Me 'Maybe cause I don't smile? I should start smiling as I walk around then... but that'll be really weird and creepy'
Cher 'Haha... that's true.'
Me 'Is it like Y's (our mutual friend) kind of hostile?'
Cher 'Not really, it's not that kind of unfriendly. Your look is more like ... the Can't-be-bothered look. The I'm-too-cool-to-be-bothered look'
Me 'Oh... that sounds like a good thing'
Later went to Coffee Club Express to eat. Yummy Mushroom and cheese pie!!!
Coffee and Gossip!
Then met Chris Chen and Mel at Bourna Vista Mrt, where they picked me up to go Holland Village Crystal Jade. We were to have coffee and gossip, but in the end we ended up eating xiao long baos!
I stole the below picture from Chris Chen the Drawer's blog =p

It was quite interesting, cause we were talking about Lian and Bengs as well, and we were 'reminiscing' how it was like to be a Lian and Beng in secondary school.
'Sharp combs!' 'Outdoor bags carried high up the back!' 'Giordano windbreakers!' 'Hush puppy socks pulled up high!' 'Girls with hair tied back and with the 2 fringes hanging out!' 'Greasy hairstyles for guys!' 'Converse slippers!'
Wahahahhaha. I was guilty of one of the above. Or 2. Oh my god, the more I think about it the more scary it gets. And I wasn't even an ah lian, not even close!
But funfunfun! We were just sitting at Crystal Jade for like an hour talking about secondary school days and stuff... can't stop laughing!
It was fun hanging out with them!
Poink poink!
Today I went with Mum to Amara's Mary Chia to get a facial... some treatment facial thingy.
I didn't realise it involves squeezing every pore you have to make you have totally clean pores. And I also didn't realise I have quite so much pores! And I didn't realise I can actually withstand the pain and not scream out until it was over!
My skin's pretty smooth now! I can't stop touching my nose! Damn smooth!!! And gahhh... I can't stop carassing my own face, which actually sounds a little sick, but ya, so smooth!!!
So yups, I'm kind of going back there every month or so to do follow up facials! I swear, facials are addictive! Heee....
I know it's juvenile, and I have to get over this 'staying home on a friday night is so loserly!' thing.
Like in Sex and the City (I'm paraphrasing) ---
Carrie 'So what did you all do?'
Miranda 'I stayed home'
Charlotte 'What?!!! But it's friday! It's date night!'
I am so Charlotte!

Last saturday, while lounging in my pjs and reading a book, I suddenly had this overwhelming desire to GO OUT. Cannot be so loserly anymore!!!!
So I made a promise to myself - That by hook or by crook, I SHALL GO OUT the next weekend. Saturday and Sunday.
Maybe when I grow up I'll be more sensible like Miranda. (The same Miranda who said something like 'I'm so horny! It should be a law for pregnant women to be married. So then someone will be obliged to have sex with you!'... Hah)
So with that determination in mind... my wednesday (see entry below), thursday and friday were pretty good! Well, could be better, but never mind, I could eat dinner myself =p
Are we snobs?
Anyway, tanned with Cher on Thursday at Sentosa Siloso Beach! I'm not exactly nicely brown or anything, but my shoulders are peeling cause I was already burnt a little during the SMP camp.
So I was lying on the towel pretending to read, but actually spying on the group of lians and bengs over at the pavillion a stone's throw away from me. Cher was just lying there soaking up the sun. (Following conversation is paraphrased... I can't really remember what we said)
Me 'Har har. Look at them. The group over there'
Cher removes her Burberry sunglasses (yes I'm envious :p) and looks at the 2 bengs playing soccer. Beng1 is skinny, fair and is wearing white boxers. Beng2 is larger built, tattooed, wearing tank top and board shorts.
Me 'You don't wear white boxers to the beach'
Cher laughs
Cher 'And he's so fair'
Me 'Exactly!'
Cher 'Quite gross'
Me 'Ya... and not nice body also'
Cher 'I thought you said this was the beach with cute guys?'
Me 'Well the last time I was here (with Dan and his friends), there were a few'
So I was thinking... maybe we are a little mean la.
Me 'Do you think we are snobs?'
Cher 'Huh? What do you mean?'
Me 'Like I was laughing at those ah bengs'
Cher 'That's cause we are not like that culture, I guess'
Me 'You're the last girl whom I can imagine being an ah lian anyway. I mean that in a good way'
Cher 'Actually you know right, when you don't smile, like when you are walking, you look a little aloof'
Me 'Is it?!! How come everyone says that!!'
Cher 'Not really the whole face la... actually only the eyes.. and the mouth... which is like the whole face actually.'
Me laughs
Me 'Maybe cause I don't smile? I should start smiling as I walk around then... but that'll be really weird and creepy'
Cher 'Haha... that's true.'
Me 'Is it like Y's (our mutual friend) kind of hostile?'
Cher 'Not really, it's not that kind of unfriendly. Your look is more like ... the Can't-be-bothered look. The I'm-too-cool-to-be-bothered look'
Me 'Oh... that sounds like a good thing'
Later went to Coffee Club Express to eat. Yummy Mushroom and cheese pie!!!
Coffee and Gossip!
Then met Chris Chen and Mel at Bourna Vista Mrt, where they picked me up to go Holland Village Crystal Jade. We were to have coffee and gossip, but in the end we ended up eating xiao long baos!
I stole the below picture from Chris Chen the Drawer's blog =p

It was quite interesting, cause we were talking about Lian and Bengs as well, and we were 'reminiscing' how it was like to be a Lian and Beng in secondary school.
'Sharp combs!' 'Outdoor bags carried high up the back!' 'Giordano windbreakers!' 'Hush puppy socks pulled up high!' 'Girls with hair tied back and with the 2 fringes hanging out!' 'Greasy hairstyles for guys!' 'Converse slippers!'
Wahahahhaha. I was guilty of one of the above. Or 2. Oh my god, the more I think about it the more scary it gets. And I wasn't even an ah lian, not even close!
But funfunfun! We were just sitting at Crystal Jade for like an hour talking about secondary school days and stuff... can't stop laughing!
It was fun hanging out with them!
Poink poink!
Today I went with Mum to Amara's Mary Chia to get a facial... some treatment facial thingy.
I didn't realise it involves squeezing every pore you have to make you have totally clean pores. And I also didn't realise I have quite so much pores! And I didn't realise I can actually withstand the pain and not scream out until it was over!
My skin's pretty smooth now! I can't stop touching my nose! Damn smooth!!! And gahhh... I can't stop carassing my own face, which actually sounds a little sick, but ya, so smooth!!!
So yups, I'm kind of going back there every month or so to do follow up facials! I swear, facials are addictive! Heee....
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