Release Clubbing
Basically, release clubbing is when you club for the sake of releasing pent up frustration and pissed-off-ness, as opposed to clubbing to (1)drink (2)dance (3)drink, get high, and dance madly (4) socialise (5)pick up girls / get picked up.
So anyway, I was feeling really pissed off on wednesday because NUS decided to play punk with me again (haha) and not give me any of my modules, rendering my total count of modules 0. That's right, school starts next week and I have 0 modules. Friggin irritating. I took my mouse and threw it halfway across the table, before stomping into my room and crying under my covers.
Anyway, Chris Chen who was online at that time saw my MSN nick (which was something like 'Don't talk to me unless you have a death wish') and said something like 'Wow so I guess you won't be up for clubbing later?'
I guess not.
Haha. I needed to do release clubbing very badly, which meant I had to drink some, scold some people, break some glasses (accomplished by a very high Chris Chen =p), shove some stupid people around, talk nonsense. So what better place than to go clubbing right!
Before going out.
I wore this (green tube top with butterfly motif and green distressed denim skirt!
I met Chris Chen (whom I'm gonna call CC for short) and we went to Phuture, got our stamps, then went to some kopitiam to eat. Apparently it's not weird to wear clubbing wear there cause everyone eats there before clubbing

Anyway it was fun! Met Cher there as well while I was standing outside the washroom with CC taking photos (without Mel cause she wasn't there yet... :/) I think I'm gonna try out this hairstyle a couple of times more. I kind of like it... it keeps the hair off my face and I don't have to bother about it for the rest of the night.

It was one for one! So we ordered cosmopolitans, lychee martinis, tequila shots and apple shooters. I'm holding up a cosmo! Heee.... I am acquiring a taste for it, I think. I mean, it's lovely and it's pink! Hee.
And I just love holding a cocktail glass in each hand. =p
Anyhoo, Mel came and joined us! We also saw a couple of people from SA, people from uni, people from swiss! Hahaha...
So what exactly does release clubbing involve?
(1) Being completely frank.
By frank, I mean, totally honest.
There was this girl who walked past me as I was holding my glass of martini, and she suddenly clutched my arm and slunk down, saying 'I'm so druuuunk' (So irritating, people who are drunk at 11). It nearly made me spill my martini!!! Of course, by then, I had a couple of drinks already so I became really frank.
'What the hell?!!!'
(Chris Chen will tell you I used the F word, which is NOT TRUE =p)
And flung my arm away disgusted-ly. Her friend apologised, which I accepted, cause I'm nice.
(2)Being proactive and assertive
Of course, this is a good thing. I've found that release clubbing does wonders to your assertiveness. In short, it makes you really concerned about what's going on around you and you'll definitely take action if you think it needs remedifying!
For example, Mel, Chris Chen and I were standing at Phuture's bar counter waiting for our drinks for a really long time. According to them, I leaned over the bar counter and said to the bartender 'HEEYYY WHERE ARE OUR TEQUILA SHOTS?!!!!!!!!!'
I mean, someone had to ask, right?
(3)Being protective of yourself
In short, it means if someone irritates you, be sure to irritate them back. Don't get mad, get even.
I am talking to you, girl with the (scary) booty who thinks it's a good idea to stand behind me and thrust her butt towards me in a horribly scary manner. Think of those arcade machines where there are several holes with objects popping out, and you have this hammer thingy so you have to hit it?

(Something like this but with the thingys popping out)
This was akin to how she was thrusting her whole butt (and body, actually) about! And it is so irritating, cause she is honestly hurting me! So I didn't wanna scold her (she's a girl after all, and it's Phuture, and I should have expected it) so I bumped her back! HAha..
I lost though, cause, obviously, I have a small butt =p
So! To round this entry off, I'm bored and waiting for the Stephen Chow show to come on, and it's here! So Bye!
So anyway, I was feeling really pissed off on wednesday because NUS decided to play punk with me again (haha) and not give me any of my modules, rendering my total count of modules 0. That's right, school starts next week and I have 0 modules. Friggin irritating. I took my mouse and threw it halfway across the table, before stomping into my room and crying under my covers.
Anyway, Chris Chen who was online at that time saw my MSN nick (which was something like 'Don't talk to me unless you have a death wish') and said something like 'Wow so I guess you won't be up for clubbing later?'
I guess not.
Haha. I needed to do release clubbing very badly, which meant I had to drink some, scold some people, break some glasses (accomplished by a very high Chris Chen =p), shove some stupid people around, talk nonsense. So what better place than to go clubbing right!

I wore this (green tube top with butterfly motif and green distressed denim skirt!
I met Chris Chen (whom I'm gonna call CC for short) and we went to Phuture, got our stamps, then went to some kopitiam to eat. Apparently it's not weird to wear clubbing wear there cause everyone eats there before clubbing

Anyway it was fun! Met Cher there as well while I was standing outside the washroom with CC taking photos (without Mel cause she wasn't there yet... :/) I think I'm gonna try out this hairstyle a couple of times more. I kind of like it... it keeps the hair off my face and I don't have to bother about it for the rest of the night.

It was one for one! So we ordered cosmopolitans, lychee martinis, tequila shots and apple shooters. I'm holding up a cosmo! Heee.... I am acquiring a taste for it, I think. I mean, it's lovely and it's pink! Hee.
And I just love holding a cocktail glass in each hand. =p
Anyhoo, Mel came and joined us! We also saw a couple of people from SA, people from uni, people from swiss! Hahaha...
So what exactly does release clubbing involve?
(1) Being completely frank.
By frank, I mean, totally honest.
There was this girl who walked past me as I was holding my glass of martini, and she suddenly clutched my arm and slunk down, saying 'I'm so druuuunk' (So irritating, people who are drunk at 11). It nearly made me spill my martini!!! Of course, by then, I had a couple of drinks already so I became really frank.
'What the hell?!!!'
(Chris Chen will tell you I used the F word, which is NOT TRUE =p)
And flung my arm away disgusted-ly. Her friend apologised, which I accepted, cause I'm nice.
(2)Being proactive and assertive
Of course, this is a good thing. I've found that release clubbing does wonders to your assertiveness. In short, it makes you really concerned about what's going on around you and you'll definitely take action if you think it needs remedifying!
For example, Mel, Chris Chen and I were standing at Phuture's bar counter waiting for our drinks for a really long time. According to them, I leaned over the bar counter and said to the bartender 'HEEYYY WHERE ARE OUR TEQUILA SHOTS?!!!!!!!!!'
I mean, someone had to ask, right?
(3)Being protective of yourself
In short, it means if someone irritates you, be sure to irritate them back. Don't get mad, get even.
I am talking to you, girl with the (scary) booty who thinks it's a good idea to stand behind me and thrust her butt towards me in a horribly scary manner. Think of those arcade machines where there are several holes with objects popping out, and you have this hammer thingy so you have to hit it?

(Something like this but with the thingys popping out)
This was akin to how she was thrusting her whole butt (and body, actually) about! And it is so irritating, cause she is honestly hurting me! So I didn't wanna scold her (she's a girl after all, and it's Phuture, and I should have expected it) so I bumped her back! HAha..
I lost though, cause, obviously, I have a small butt =p
So! To round this entry off, I'm bored and waiting for the Stephen Chow show to come on, and it's here! So Bye!
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