Friday, May 09, 2003

The return of Christine!

I love the way it sounds like a horror film hoho… But then again, it’ll indicate that I’m a scary person? Uh….

Hey dearies!!! Haven’t been blogging for a looooong time. Okay, maybe it’s about 3 days? Having non blog withdrawals now…the post about CHS and Maurice was written about 4 days ago actually, didn’t get published.

So, Yay! I’m back! ;)

Being punctual is difficult. Torturous, even

Have been implementing my ‘Be-punctual-even-if-it-kills-me’ plan. Yup…after that awful fiasco with the NTU interview, I made a promise that I would change this bad habit of being late. But it’s really really hard to change this bad habit that I’ve um… ‘cultivated’ over the years. (Hahaha… cultivated is such a weird word yah? But I do really cultivate it. It’s like I practice to be nicely late. Like about 10 -15 minutes?) Yup, but am changing now, to be punctual! I realized that I actually have to step on a few feet to do that… being punctual is difficult.

Started my punctuality campaign on Wednesday, went pretty disastrously. Wanted to be early, but ended up being late for work as usual. As usual.

*Digress. Listening to Anticipating by Britney Spears on my mp3 now. Loooooove that song! :D So danceable and am now bobbing my head to the music. Feels like dancing. Haha… Gotta really let me know if you want me, you gotta turn me on and make me feel sexy, gotta show me you got everything that I need *Happy.

Oh so I was saying… was late. Grrr… after all I’ve done to avoid being late. Got up, er…5 minutes earlier and walked a little faster. But yesterday takes the prize. Promised Ming I’ll be earlier and would meet her at Clementi at 8.10. And I got there at 8.15!!! Not bad huh, only 5 minutes late. But felt really bad as in the end we were both late, when Ming could have got to work on time. So… yeah.

Buy me new shoes? Please?

So I was talking about stepping on people’s feet right? I think people are ready to kill me. Hahah… Missed the feeder 947 yesterday that takes me to the Bukit Batok station and so how? I speed-walked all the way to Bukit Gombak station. Hahaha. It took about 10 minutes. Yay…and I was crossing the road to the Gombak station, when I saw that the train was approaching the station. So what did I do? I dashed across the road (without looking. Drivers were cussing) and all the way up the stairs and made it on time juuust before the train doors close! Yay! I swear, my VNC strappy sandals are going to break any day now. And I’ve just worn them 4 times! :( Yeah… so, anybody wants to buy me new shoes? Hahahah… I’m cool with any sort of sandals or heels, really. :P

*Digress - Kasuyvbferlaylbiuvla! The batteries in my mp3 died!!!!! Grrrr!!! I want to bite somebody.

And today (today I was early! Same train as Ming! Hurrah!!!!!) was reaching the turnstile thingy where you have to tap your card and I saw this woman approaching it before me. Actually I could have let her gone first. Wasn’t in a hurry, it was 8 on the dot. But I wanted my record to be so perfect that I cannot be even 1 minute late! Hahaha. So how? I slipped in front of the woman and went through the turnstile first. Hahah! *evil laughter. She was so… close to the turnstile, and somehow I managed to slip in and go through.

And a million other mean things I did. Just to make sure I get to work on time. See how I value punctuality? See? I even gave up being a nice and polite person. Gee. Am compromising on courtesy for punctuality. Somehow that seems like a paradox.

Hmmm… must work, work, work! Haha…Every time I see Prof K or Dr. M, I get an urge to laugh uncontrollably. They look so funny. Hee.

K work work.


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