Monday| Ragggggggg and Dance!
Went down to school to help out with rag today. Was v fun! Was down early, and only Larry was there. He was like 'I'm surprised. Girls are seldom early' Hmpf! For that, I will stop helping to promote him to the rest of my O week girls. Hahaha... Then KengLeong came to sit with us. Larry called him 'Legend'. Huh?
Anyhow. Rag was fun. We did some lettering kind of thing. I don't know how much can I talk about rag here, since what we do is quite secretive. Hum. We even have to make sure strangers don't walk on our rag site! Heh. We'll stare them down. But it was v fun. And I love starch and papier marcheing. Hee :D
Had dance auditions for presenters. I only agreed to join it with Cheryl because I thought it's a closed door audition and I just wanted to play around, have fun, you know? I figured I wasn't getting in, so I'll just have fun and see how the audition went. WHO KNOWS. It was a open audition. So in the end, the entire rag site was there sitting down and looking at us audition. It was so embarrassing. I had ZERO dance experience. And the people there are like seasoned dancers. (Like Lynn from SA) This is just great, fantastic.
So we had to go up in pairs and Cheryl and I went together. Had to do a self expression sort of dance, then the cheorographed steps and then your own 8 beat step. Just great. Hum. I will spare you the details. I didn't get in. Cheryl did. I am happy for her, and like she said, it'd be better if we got in together. Oh well. It was fun though.
Jayce drove us girls to Scotts for dinner. Then we went home.
I slacked on Tuesday! Read David Sedaris's Me talk pretty one day
Wednesday| Rag again. A movie premier without stars. Sleeps on foreign surface
Went down to school today for Jam and Hop meeting. First ever main comm and junior comm meeting. Me and Cheryl and this guy called Lawrence is in the Special Programs committee. Val is in Publicity. Which I think is quite fun, cause err.... publicity is fun. Yuppers. I'm alright with it actually. Hum... I think BizAd JnH 2003 will be a blast!
Later went for lunch with Val, Cheryl and Janet. We went over to arts. Janet was v nice, took Val and I to the LT, because I think she could sense we had no idea where it is. Anyway, Val and I have to take the QET, which means Quesy, Ewww and Torturous. That, my friends, sums up the QET. Actually, the QET is the Qualifying English Test. I had to take it because the Cambridge examiners screwed up and gave me a lousy score for my GP. Yes, I am still bitter. Anyway, you see these people taking the QET with us and it hit me that these people are going to be in the same school as me. But they are so foreign... cause they weren't at FOC. *shrug. Anyway, the essay question is really puke inducing. Paraphrase - Modern Universities are trying to make profits as well as training their students to be innovative and creative. Which do you think should be the school's main concern?. I don't even know how the heck universities make money. Unless they were talking about Harvart Law school, who charges USD3000 for a fricking acceptance fee. Whatever.
Movie Premiers are not what I thought they were
Laterrrr, went back to the rag site, met up with Cheryl and we went over to SRC to shower and head off to ORchard. She's meeting her friend and I'm meeting Sam for this premier movie Home Run. It was a very good movie surprisingly. You know how local movies are always substandard? This is actually quite good. I shall ignore the fact that it was actually an adaptation of 'Children of Heaven'. Thought provoking. I liked it. Countary to my belief, premiers are not filled with stars walking up the red carpet, waving to photographers and disppearing into the cinema. It's nothing like that. It's just like a normal movie screening, with Jack Neo coming out to say a few words before the movie. I'm sadly disappointed and disillusioned, hahaha.
Where's the taxi named Madness?
Met up with Cher and we took a cab to eat supper with the rest of the guys. And it was one of the scariest trips of our lives. I swear. The taxi driver was super freaky. Samples of the questions he asked us were There are only 2 girls studying in medical school right? Why didn't you study medicine? There are students in NUS this year right? I was like 'Say what?' and Cheryl was just staring at him. Then he took us to this weird road, which he called '9 hooks and 13 turns'.
I swear, I didn't know roads like that ever existed in Singapore. For one, it's so curving, I can't even see where the road leads. Like, if there were a car travelling towards you, you won't know it. And it's SO DARK. And so deserted. And he drove really fast. Like it's nobody's business.
I think his ultimate motive, was to...
take the long route and charge us more.
We stayed over in school. Played cards. I slept on a foreign surface. Blah. I don't mean to sound like a spoiled brat, but I don't like to sleep on foreign surfaces. It's weird. You ever get that feeling? Yeah.
They had fishing the next morning (thursday morn) and bbq at night. I didn't go. Too shagged to do anything, so I went home to sleep. I think the late nights are taking their toll on me.
Friday| Something about 2fast2furious and late late nights. Family relations.
Slacked around the house all day. Had breakfast and lunch with the parentals. It's been a long time since I had meals with them. Heck, it's been a long time since I've seen them. I was a very 'home' person, but since I started JC until Uni now, it's like I don't see them anymore. It's a change; I just don't know if it's good or bad.
Anyhow, went off at 9 to meet the Daer crew (Herng, Sheng, Val, Cheryl, Larry and Robin) for movie; we're watching 2fast2furious. While I love the colours, the hunks, the babes, and the clothing, I do not dig the plot of the movie. It's as flimsy as cling wrap. I had the 'when's this gonna end?' kind of feeling, you know? The cars, though, are a different story. I totally dig Devon's hot pink car! Is it sexy or what? I wish. I stayed in the US. I would have LOVED racing.
Then we went for supper somewhere near NUS and back to the rag site, where we worked on papier marche. Oh. And I got tricked 267 times. They were doing card games and magic tricks kind of stuff, yeah. Naturally, I could not catch half the stuff they were doing. I mean, hey, I do not spend all of my time examining magic tricks. And I do not have a cunning mind :D Heh. So it became 'Let's trick Christine' session. Yeeeah. Great huh. Anyway, we stayed till morning, went for breakfast, had loads of fun talking and I went home to sleeeepppp.
Went down to school to help out with rag today. Was v fun! Was down early, and only Larry was there. He was like 'I'm surprised. Girls are seldom early' Hmpf! For that, I will stop helping to promote him to the rest of my O week girls. Hahaha... Then KengLeong came to sit with us. Larry called him 'Legend'. Huh?
Anyhow. Rag was fun. We did some lettering kind of thing. I don't know how much can I talk about rag here, since what we do is quite secretive. Hum. We even have to make sure strangers don't walk on our rag site! Heh. We'll stare them down. But it was v fun. And I love starch and papier marcheing. Hee :D
Had dance auditions for presenters. I only agreed to join it with Cheryl because I thought it's a closed door audition and I just wanted to play around, have fun, you know? I figured I wasn't getting in, so I'll just have fun and see how the audition went. WHO KNOWS. It was a open audition. So in the end, the entire rag site was there sitting down and looking at us audition. It was so embarrassing. I had ZERO dance experience. And the people there are like seasoned dancers. (Like Lynn from SA) This is just great, fantastic.
So we had to go up in pairs and Cheryl and I went together. Had to do a self expression sort of dance, then the cheorographed steps and then your own 8 beat step. Just great. Hum. I will spare you the details. I didn't get in. Cheryl did. I am happy for her, and like she said, it'd be better if we got in together. Oh well. It was fun though.
Jayce drove us girls to Scotts for dinner. Then we went home.
I slacked on Tuesday! Read David Sedaris's Me talk pretty one day
Wednesday| Rag again. A movie premier without stars. Sleeps on foreign surface
Went down to school today for Jam and Hop meeting. First ever main comm and junior comm meeting. Me and Cheryl and this guy called Lawrence is in the Special Programs committee. Val is in Publicity. Which I think is quite fun, cause err.... publicity is fun. Yuppers. I'm alright with it actually. Hum... I think BizAd JnH 2003 will be a blast!
Later went for lunch with Val, Cheryl and Janet. We went over to arts. Janet was v nice, took Val and I to the LT, because I think she could sense we had no idea where it is. Anyway, Val and I have to take the QET, which means Quesy, Ewww and Torturous. That, my friends, sums up the QET. Actually, the QET is the Qualifying English Test. I had to take it because the Cambridge examiners screwed up and gave me a lousy score for my GP. Yes, I am still bitter. Anyway, you see these people taking the QET with us and it hit me that these people are going to be in the same school as me. But they are so foreign... cause they weren't at FOC. *shrug. Anyway, the essay question is really puke inducing. Paraphrase - Modern Universities are trying to make profits as well as training their students to be innovative and creative. Which do you think should be the school's main concern?. I don't even know how the heck universities make money. Unless they were talking about Harvart Law school, who charges USD3000 for a fricking acceptance fee. Whatever.
Movie Premiers are not what I thought they were
Laterrrr, went back to the rag site, met up with Cheryl and we went over to SRC to shower and head off to ORchard. She's meeting her friend and I'm meeting Sam for this premier movie Home Run. It was a very good movie surprisingly. You know how local movies are always substandard? This is actually quite good. I shall ignore the fact that it was actually an adaptation of 'Children of Heaven'. Thought provoking. I liked it. Countary to my belief, premiers are not filled with stars walking up the red carpet, waving to photographers and disppearing into the cinema. It's nothing like that. It's just like a normal movie screening, with Jack Neo coming out to say a few words before the movie. I'm sadly disappointed and disillusioned, hahaha.
Where's the taxi named Madness?
Met up with Cher and we took a cab to eat supper with the rest of the guys. And it was one of the scariest trips of our lives. I swear. The taxi driver was super freaky. Samples of the questions he asked us were There are only 2 girls studying in medical school right? Why didn't you study medicine? There are students in NUS this year right? I was like 'Say what?' and Cheryl was just staring at him. Then he took us to this weird road, which he called '9 hooks and 13 turns'.
I swear, I didn't know roads like that ever existed in Singapore. For one, it's so curving, I can't even see where the road leads. Like, if there were a car travelling towards you, you won't know it. And it's SO DARK. And so deserted. And he drove really fast. Like it's nobody's business.
I think his ultimate motive, was to...
take the long route and charge us more.
We stayed over in school. Played cards. I slept on a foreign surface. Blah. I don't mean to sound like a spoiled brat, but I don't like to sleep on foreign surfaces. It's weird. You ever get that feeling? Yeah.
They had fishing the next morning (thursday morn) and bbq at night. I didn't go. Too shagged to do anything, so I went home to sleep. I think the late nights are taking their toll on me.
Friday| Something about 2fast2furious and late late nights. Family relations.
Slacked around the house all day. Had breakfast and lunch with the parentals. It's been a long time since I had meals with them. Heck, it's been a long time since I've seen them. I was a very 'home' person, but since I started JC until Uni now, it's like I don't see them anymore. It's a change; I just don't know if it's good or bad.
Anyhow, went off at 9 to meet the Daer crew (Herng, Sheng, Val, Cheryl, Larry and Robin) for movie; we're watching 2fast2furious. While I love the colours, the hunks, the babes, and the clothing, I do not dig the plot of the movie. It's as flimsy as cling wrap. I had the 'when's this gonna end?' kind of feeling, you know? The cars, though, are a different story. I totally dig Devon's hot pink car! Is it sexy or what? I wish. I stayed in the US. I would have LOVED racing.
Then we went for supper somewhere near NUS and back to the rag site, where we worked on papier marche. Oh. And I got tricked 267 times. They were doing card games and magic tricks kind of stuff, yeah. Naturally, I could not catch half the stuff they were doing. I mean, hey, I do not spend all of my time examining magic tricks. And I do not have a cunning mind :D Heh. So it became 'Let's trick Christine' session. Yeeeah. Great huh. Anyway, we stayed till morning, went for breakfast, had loads of fun talking and I went home to sleeeepppp.
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