Saturday, November 29, 2003

Guiltily listening to - Wormy by Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepant's friend)
Thoughts - A true friend is one who will watch SpongeBob Squarepants and Patrick Star with you and not laugh at your dorkiness

Calamari I love you!

Well, I'm not going to write about what happened today. Just yet. Cause I need to do things in chronological order yah? So I'll start with Thursday.

Thursday was last paper. Legal. I was late for it. As usual, I mean. I was late for one of my A level papers too. I swear, one day I'm going to kick this late coming habit, but as of now... I'm still trying. Late comers will agree with me. It's like you try to be on time. You really make an effort to. Then you look at the clock and decide you still have some time to put on a new coat of lipgloss / take a nap / do a manicure / study Stats, and all of a sudden, you're running late. It's not our faults really. So yeah. I was late. Was stranded at Engineering, and the blasted Bus C won't come, so I had to take a cab. A cab! From engineering to SRC! What on earth man. It's so weird. And the funny (if it weren't so exasperating) thing is the bus came straight after I took the cab, and the cab ended up trailing the bus because mr. taxi uncle decides it's fun to drive out of NUS.

Anyhow, the paper's okay. (Psst. NUSSUMALL and Just Too Rich P/L? Mr. Ravi's priceless! Haha)

Later had lunch at Arts with the guys. And then went home to reply to emails that were pestering me about work (and the what I would be doing for the rest of Dec). Later went out again to meet Larry before meeting the rest of the gang cause I think he needs help in buying the cake hahah. I agree. He has no taste. Haha. Oh before that we went around buying gifts for ZhengWei and WeiHerng. ZhengWei like Philosophy books!!! I nearly doubled over laughing when Val told us that, cause... it's so unlike him! But I guess you cannot judge a book by it's cover eh? He's finished Sophie's World... haha. Which is the book we bought, and The Alchemist.

Anyhow, we went over to Glass House Fish and Co. Which I love, and will always love. HAha. I love the building, dang it! Haha. And also the food. I could eat the seafood platter for the rest of my life man. Which is what I shared with Cher. Heh. And an cocktail which er... didn't taste very nice. I recommend you guys try the mocktails instead, it's better value for money. You know how huge the fricking drink is?! You know at Serangoon Gardens the sugercane drink? The big one? Yeah it's that big. I was like 'Man who ordered that jug?'

Oh... yeah. Had dinner with the gang. Was v fun as usual. Sang the bday song... and we were challenged by some SAJC people who decided that they wanted to sing the song 156 times. Just kidding. 5 times. I wonder why. I also wonder why I didn't do that when I was in SA. MAybe I did. Maybe I have a bad memory.

LAter we wanted to go to the NTU biz bash at Devil's Bar, but decided against it in the end, cause. Cause. Er. I don't know. Just didn't feel like going. Later got an sms from Kelvin. Er. It was strange.

Took train with Weiherng, Val and Larry, WeiHerng was mean on the train ride home. Hmpf. HAha.

Am tired and oh! Whose line is playing now! I'm watching! Night@\!


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