Monday, November 24, 2003

Song - I Quit by Hepburn

Mum is funny.

This is a sample conversation with my mum over the phone.

Home phone Rings

Me - 'Hello?'
Mum - 'Chris? Is that you?'
Me - 'Yes, It's me'
Mum - 'Chris? Chris? Is that you?'
Me - 'YES!!! IT"S ME!'
Mum - ' Oh, are you at home?'
Me - (Deadpans) 'No, I'm not at home, but amazingly, I'm answering the home phone! I wonder how that is so!'
Mum - 'Oh you're at home, then'
Me - 'Yes mum, I'm at home, that's how I can answer the HOME phone'

You See how a 3 second conversation can stretch on to 5 minutes? It goes on.

Mum - 'Listen, it's going to rain soon, so I think you better get ready to close the windows, k?'
Me - 'Okay'
Mum - 'Yeah, remember to close the windows ok? It's going to rain.'
Me - 'Okayyy'
Mum - 'Yeah, look at the sky, I think it's going to rain. Remember to close the windows ah...'
Me - 'You told me that 3 times! 3 times!'
Mum - 'I know... I'm afraid you'll forget, see'

This is really funny if it wasn't so exasperating.


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