Yay! Cher and I are planning a short trip to Bintan! Never been there before, but is quite nice, according to Larry.
Is actually quite fun, cause me and Cher are going to only invite people we want to hang out with, so we don't have to put up with the stupid antics of some unpleasant individual. So it's quite fun. Somewhat like a secret holiday thing. So far, Cher planned to ask Val, Larry, ZhengWei and KaiAn. Couple of them are already okay with it.
So yay! Really excited about the prospect of a secret getaway thing. It's like, suddenly some of us are uncontactable, and then *poof! we reappear. What's more exciting is that we are going to go straight after the exams! Yay! Love the idea of picking up a bag after the last paper and heading straight to a resort lagoon. Lovely. Very wanderer-ish. Wonderful. Love the idea of being a bohemian hippie chick. (I don't know if that's right, but I just love the sound of that)
Thing is, last paper ends on the 21st, while some of them's the 23th, so can't carry out 'exams-bag-resort' plan. But is still nice to think about it.
Also happy that we are going to a beach resort cause *yay! can wear my nice white beach wrap again! The one I bought from Redang. It'll have really pissed me off if I've only worn it once, considering how much it costs.
Am really excited. I can't wait!!!