Last update I was feeling really down cause of cramps and all but I'm feeling better now! :D I guess. These couple of days have been kind of up and down for me. I don't know... I dread change but of course you need change if you want your life to get better. Alright sometimes it gets worse, but that's part and parcel of life.
Ok! Back to babbling.
Tuesday I went to the BV mentors chalet. Not all of us were there, kind of expected, but it was still good. I actually went to work on Tuesday morning, Mum and I had breakfast at Upper Thomson. Then I went to work, and as usual spent my 15 minutes in the washroom (cause I always reach work 15 mins early... ya I can't believe it myself) . And ya, I had to go home because of cramps... Su Juan, Kristin and Yvonne were really nice though, very caring.
Kind of sian already, cause I had to go for a chalet later, and then everyone knows that going to a chalet when you're not feeling well you may as well not go anywhere at all. But was feeling better in the evening so called Mel to ask where she was. Eh, seems like my smses are not reaching receipients!! Grrr Singtel. Oh poor Wenyi sprained her ankle... ouch.
But it was fun to hang out with the mentors! I wanna post a picture pictorial too! :D Lots of my pictorials are long overdue - Bird Park, Mentors chalet, and Zoo. Eh eh... you guys, send me the pictures leh! :P
Oh I koped this from Wenyi's blog!

Mel and I!

Eating chillidogs! (that's spicy hotdogs)
As you can see, the painkillers worked. :P I actually look ungrumpy :D
And oh oh!! Milo! :D
I love hanging out with the BV mentors... it's always so fun!
We played mahjong! Eh wait, no scratch that, they played mahjong while I looked on. Haha... cause I had no mood again.
I'm entitled to mood swings okay. I was having PMS. :P
And I was feeling a little upset also, cause I was feeling er rejected.
And also cause I was kind of talking to Mel.
And I had to wake up early to go to work!!!
(So many excuses, haha... actually is cause the other guys dominated the mj table!!! =p)
Wednesday was kind of up and down again. Woke up at 6 to go to work, Caleb drove me and Weisiong to the mrt station to take the train... and I ended up at AMK at 730?! And I could actually be like 45 minutes early for work?! Like, I was almost too eager to go to work like that. Haha.
The people at work were really nice. I can't really remember what I did, no doubt slacking again. Complied the list for the junior golfing camp, did up the comparison chart for DnD, helped the golfing assistants with some stuff, helped Su Juan shred paper =P, chatted with Sally and Sheena the receptionists... I like the people there, but man sometimes I'm so bored!!!
Kind of waited for something that never came. Sometimes I wonder if I ask too much.
So at night went with Mel and Jiahui to Phuture! We saw Emily!
I koped this from
Jiahui's blog!

Jiahui, Mel and I!

Haha... like I'm forever koping stuff from people's blogs! That's cause I have no camera with me!!! :/
Had 2 lychee martinis (it's cool to hold a lychee martini in each hand ok! :D), one tequila pop, 2 tequila shots. I kind of knew 1 tequila shot will be enough, but... I was in the mood. And it's one for one! It was so fun dancing with the girls! Mel was especially high! Haha... we were twirling around, dirty dancing together and in a moment of weirdness we shouted 'SAJC/SMP/BV!!!' Haha... quite funny. I bet people think we were really happy! (Or weird, but I don't care!)
We toasted JH's new fabulous job and many other stuff!
I was in an attitude mood.
Loser 'Hi are you from nus?'
Me 'ya'
Loser 'oh i've seen you around'
Me 'ok'
Loser 'i'm from com science'
Me 'ok' (inwardly I yucked)
Loser 'can i dance with you?'
Me 'No'
Loser 'er can i dance with you?'
Me 'no'
Loser 'why?'
Me 'don't feel like dancing' (how ironic i said this while dancing)
Loser 'why?'
Me 'i prefer dancing with my friends'
Big thanks to the BV mentors for listening to me when I wanted to talk nonsense, being so caring of me, and taking care of me when I'm a grumpy boring person. Haha.
I called you that night cause I wanted to talk, but I didn't know what to say.
I lost my watch on Thursday.


It's important to me, because it was a gift from Danial.
I looked for it everywhere, but for the life of me, I couldn't really remember where I left it. Caleb and Weisiong who were awake at that time helped me look for it... I was almost in tears actually, and I really appreciated them really trying to help me look for it. Kind of woke the rest of them up while we were looking... I feel so bad.
Dropped off at Eunos, I was crying in the car. I'm kind of embarrassed la :) That normally I'm not like that, and now they should see me crying. Mel actually smsed me not to be upset and all of them were like, we'll help you find it before we leave the chalet (at 1030). That was so nice of them...
But I was feeling terrible, and I've developed cramps again. So when I was at AMK, I called in sick at work. On the way back, Sam called and asked if I needed to talk (thanks babe). I travelled all the way back to east coast. Kind of woke some of them up again. Wenyi woke up and said she'd help me look for it after she changed her bandage. I feel really bad that I've disturbed so many people cause I was careless.
The way I found it was kind of anti-climatic. Haha. I decided that I left it on the table last night before sleeping. No watch on table. I decided it may have dropped on the floor. And there it was, on the floor beside Caleb's shoe bag. Hahaha. I found it in like less than 5 minutes.
So... ya. Bah :D
At night went for the Mentor's camp meeting! So exciting... cause almost all the 'juniors' are BV mentors + Darren!!! YAYYYY!!!! We rock! :D
Friday I went to work, asked Danial out. Watched Monster-in-law. It liked it. I actually don't find Jlo irritating, although the poorgirl-richguy story is kind of overused, especially for Jlo (Maid in Manhattan etc) But I loved the ending. And the mother in law twist. Very nice way to end the story, and of course, gah very nice wedding dress! And Michael Vartan is yummy!
The ride home was kind of eventful.
I hope everything turns out alright.