I am being forced to do this quiz by
Chris Chen!
three names you go by:1) chrisss - i like this
2) peanut - grrr.
3) oei - i used to have to force people to call my name instead of using 'oei' cause that's so impersonal! haha.
three screen names you have had:1) chrisss - hahaha... no, i am not very creative, thank you very much
2) iridescence - cause it sounds pretty, and evokes visuals of rainbows and happy stuff. (yes, i'm so easily satisfied)
3) rainy - don't know why. some people call me that. haha
three physical things you like about youself:1) my smile! - hehe... that's the few things i get frequent compliments about *proud* =p
2) my eyes and eye lashes! - without the allergy scars... :/. and i've been complimented on my eyelashes whahaha
3) my height! - erm, i just like it.
*p/s i've been complimented on my healthy cuticles too! whahaha. (ok, enuf self praising)
three physical things you don't like about youself:1) my fat legs - i'm so unproportional!
2) my hair when it's misbehaving! - seriously, i'd love nothing more than to tie it up in a scarf /stuff it under a cap.
3) i'm perfect!!! i love everything about myself! ahahhaha
three parts of your heritage: (going to copy chris chen's cause i don't know what to write about this)
1) i'm cantonese! i can speak cantonese! and cantonese girls have good skin! (which kind of makes me wonder what happened to me)
2) im a singaporean! wheee! nothing much to say except that i love saying 'la' a lot for some reason
3) i'm chinese! i love chinese new year! red rocks! (whatever.. haha)
three things that scare you:1) not having modules :/
2) pushy elderly folk who think that since they're old, they can push me around and i can't do anything about it (yes, i'm scared of them, i don't hate them for some reason)
3) loneliness
three of your everyday essentials:1) contact lenses! i am vain, i even wear contact lenses when i am at home! (which is untrue)
2) anything to do with lip gloss / lip stick / lip balm - i need a lot of lip stuff cause it gets dry easily
3) cell phoneee!!! aren't we all addicted!
three things you are wearing now:1) hush puppies camisole
2) fbt shorts
3) glasses
three of your favourite bands or musical artists:1) goo goo dolls - iris, but their other songs are great as well!
2) damien rice - 'i can't take my eyes off you' (ok the blower's daughter)
3) kayne west - love the lyrics, love the tune! seriously, one of the better ones around
(oh and i like ludacris and michelle branch too!!!)
three of your favourite songs:1) naturaleza muerta - by mario frangoulis! Y esperar
2) someday we'll know - new radicals but i prefer the mandymoore jonathanforeman one
3) cannonball - damien rice
i hate this, why cannot have more? I also like la belle et la bad boy, il fait chaud, stranded, helena, iris, semi charmed life etc etc etc
three things you want in a relationship:i want everything . the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.
two truths and a lie (in no particular order):1) i am a very emotional person
2) i am really not allergic to peanuts
3) i secretly love singing in the shower
three physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you:1) gorgeous eyes
2) just the right height
3) nice shoulders / back (this sounds weird)
three of your favourite hobbies:1) erm, shopping, i know it's typical and cliched, but i love love love it. trying on my clothes and seeing how i look in it! i have lots of clothes that i never wear.
2) i love reading, actually
3) lying on the beach doing nothing at all!
three things you want to do really badly right now:1) turn my life back to the right track, so i'm as happy as i am in the past... this sem's pretty rough.
2) be hugged
3) buy the 'i heart me' shirt
three careers you're considering/you've considered:1) wedding planner
2) teacher (when i was young and naive and thought that teacher's day rocks)
3) marketing person (that's like really vague)
three places you want to go on vacation:1) eastern/central europe
2) maldives!!!!!!
3) canada
three things you want to do before you die:1) travel, backpack style, be rustic and sleep in tents! (i'll prob end up in a spa/hotel)
2) do the 'run across the beach with a bunch of balloons and a gorgeous white dress' scenario they always have in movies. or the 'shouting i love you! to someone from the top of some hill overlooking gorgeous scenary' scenario. or the 'hollywood kiss in front of a lot of people' scenario. it's damn cliche, but everyone needs a movie moment in their life!
3) tell all the important people in my life how much they meant to me and that i love all of them.
three ways that you are stereotypically a boy:1) i chew my food and talk at the same time
2) when i play sports (sometimes la, like during touch rugby days), i can be really rough (ask siewlee!!! i knocked her down!)
3) er... i sometimes check girls out
three ways that you are stereotypically a girl:1) i try 38295685 outfits, before i go back to the very first one i tried
2) i get hurt easily. then i'll cry
3) shopping is my middle name
three male celeb crushes:1) john cusack / jay mohr - for some reason.
2) tony leung - swoon, seriously. swoon. in the mood for love
3) ludacris - for some reason also
three female celeb crushes:1) julia 'i'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy' roberts
2) heidi klum - so gorgeous
3) sarah jessica parker!!!!!!! i wanna be as fabulous!
three people that i would like to see take this quiz now:1)
don't know